Today in the lunar calendar December 10, 2024

Today in the lunar calendar December 10, 2024

Today in the lunar calendar
Gregorian calendar: December 10, 2024, Tuesday
Chinese lunar calendar: November 10, 2024
Today's five elements: Earth
Direction of the God of Wealth: North
Direction of the God of Joy: Southeast
Direction of the God of Blessing: Northeast
Appropriate actions: Offer prayers, relocate, conduct sacrifices, marry, and get engaged.

Avoided actions: Mountain climbing, exploration, traveling, taking a boat, and burial.

Daily Five Elements Dressing Guide:

[Most Auspicious Colors] Black and Blue
Supported by the five elements of the day, signifying an easy attainment of assistance from influential figures, smooth execution, and favorable interpersonal relationships.

[Sub-Auspicious Colors] White, silver, gray, and off-white
Matching the five elements of the day, symbolizing fortunate circumstances, smooth operations, and facilitating cooperative negotiations.

[Average Colors] Red, purple, pink, and orange-red
Contrary to the five elements of the day, signifying hard efforts but with potential rewards, beneficial for seeking financial gains.

[Colors to Use with Caution] Yellow, coffee, brown, tan, and orange-yellow
Generating the five elements of the day, indicating excessive consumption, low energy levels, and a need to be cautious of errors.

[Colors to Avoid] Green, cyan, cyan-green, emerald green
Constrained by the five elements of the day, signifying numerous obstacles, double the effort for half the result, and fruitless labor.

Today's Suggestions:
Currently in a rather difficult position, mainly due to the lack of unity among people. It is necessary to adopt forceful measures to achieve stability and unity. Among these, the most crucial aspect is to adhere to the correct path and uphold the spirit of impartiality and selflessness, and win people's hearts to reunite the dispersed.
The market situation is chaotic and the direction is ambiguous. Appropriate risks are entirely necessary. However, one must be impartial and selfless, and restrain personal desires. It is also essential to strive for cooperation and support from those with strength.
[Seeking Fame]:
It is necessary to calm down and endeavor to enhance knowledge and skills, increase talents. The disorganized situation must be governed, which requires various types of talents. The future is bright, and the key lies in individual efforts.
All will be safe and smooth, especially by waterways.
[Marriage and Love]:
As long as both parties hold pure intentions, it will definitely result in a美满 and successful relationship.
In order to expand the business, it is necessary to employ active measures to overcome and overcome the drawbacks of internal disunity. First and foremost, one must eliminate selfishness, sacrifice the self for the greater good. Do not get involved in disputes. In this way, a stable situation can be regained. In a favorable environment, various undertakings have a bright future.
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